Singing Guide: Ashley Tisdale

Singing Guide: Ashley Tisdale

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ashley Tisdale is a singer known for her impeccable vocal control and for hitting high notes with ease. To learn to sing like her, there are a few things you need to know.

Firstly, Ashley has a unique and powerful voice, which makes it important to determine your voice type to properly learn how to sing like her. Singing Carrots offers a guide to determining your voice type which can be found here.

Once you determine your voice type, it's important to learn the basics of singing through breathing and warm-ups. Start with basic breathing exercises which are detailed in this blog post. Make sure to read up on how breath support plays a big part in your vocal control in this post on breath support which has some useful tips for breathing comfortably.

For warm-ups, the singing exercise guide at Singing Carrots is an invaluable resource. You should start with the Farinelli breathing exercise like the one shown in this video.

Ashley has an impressive vocal range, so it's important to test your range using Singing Carrots' vocal range test here. Once you have determined your range, you can start training with Singing Carrots' pitch training game which can be found here. When you can hit the right notes, you can move on to the Vocal Pitch Monitor which can be found here to visualize your progress.

One of Ashley's biggest strengths is her ability to showcase her voice through her song choices. Check out the songbook search on Singing Carrots here to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. Ashley's range is especially showcased in her songs like "Suddenly" and "He Said She Said" which you can use as inspiration while training.

Ashley also uses unique vocal techniques like vibrato and belting which are detailed in the Singing Carrots blog here. Also, make sure to read about how to use vibrato effectively in this post about singing with vibrato.

Finally, remember to take care of your voice and practice regularly using Singing Carrots' educational singing course here. With enough practice and hard work, you too can learn to sing like Ashley Tisdale.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.